Sunday, July 08, 2007

Wizards and Vampires in Duino?

Okay, so we know that Duino is beautiful--and that the dormitory where we're staying looks right over the edge of cliffs above the Adriatic. Who could complain about that? I really hadn't planned on it, until two recent supernatural sightings: a vampire and a wizard. Yep, that's right. Right here in Duino. The dormitory is sort of old and castle-like, so it's really no surprise that both of these creepy phenomena have appeared.

Just yesterday, the wizard cast a spell on our cafeteria so that all of the food that was served was exactly identical to the food the day before! Shocking. We're waiting to see what he does next. We hope he's feeling kind enough to magically create a filet mignon out of bean soup...we can always hope.

The vampire situation, however, is a little more serious. By this point at Duino, the amount of time and work the participants are putting in is becoming obvious--as indicated by increased coffee intake and bags under eyes. They're becoming likely victims for our guest from Transylvania. In fact, the other day, one of the Haitian participants seemed to be blinded by the light of another participant's crucifix necklace. And, she wouldn't go near the garlic pasta at lunch. Draw your own conclusions.

More from Duino soon...I hope.


Nat Towsen said...

The wizard cast a spell on me that makes me wake up around 4AM every day.

Marjan said...

Right... not to mention scratches from smashing into rocks while trying to get out of the water. I tell ya, there is something happening out there.

agonija13 said...

The scratches from smashing into the rocks aren't the vampire's fault, Marjan. They're your fault for not knowing how to swim.

Marjan said...

Oh... is that right? How do you explain the missing Nutella then? Strange things all the way.