Friday, March 12, 2010

International Tournament of Champions invites high school teams to register

The 2010 IDEA International Tournament of Champions invites high school debate teams from around the world to gather for a weekend of learning, competitive debate, and friendship building activities. The event will be held May 21-23, 2010 in Salem, Oregon on the beautiful campus of Willamette University.

The "Worlds-School" debate format will be used during the tournament, which promotes international understanding through debate. It consists of two teams (proposition and opposition) of three persons each. Each person delivers a speech of 8 minutes in length, and then one member of each team delivers a reply speech of 4 minutes. The first day of the tournament will feature a debate workshop hosted by IDEA and the Willamette University Debate Union.

To register for this event, click here. Registration ends on April 22, 2010. Teams who apply will be selected based on their overall experience and competitive success during the current school year. For more details, click here.

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