Monday, March 01, 2010

Spring 2010 Global Debates Kickoff

Today, March 1st, marks the first official day of the People Speak Spring 2010 Global Debates competition! This semester's topic is, "Annex I countries of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) should provide significantly increased aid to developing countries specifically for climate change adaptation."

Register your team
If you haven't already done so, visit and register your team to participate in the competition. Even if your team didn't compete in the fall competition, there are still plenty of reasons to participate now. The Global Debates is a free resource that provides curriculum to anybody, anywhere. This is a unique opportunity for students to engage in a global discussion about common issues, such as poverty and and climate change, right in their own community through fun activities. And even though teams from the fall competition have a head-start on points, the spring debates is great practice for next year's competition.

Get started now
After registering, your team is ready to begin! First, each team will need to organize a public debate on this semester's topic and also document it with video coverage and photographs. The next step will be to develop a climate change adaptation plan, which will create a plan for a developing country facing the effects of climate change.

Then, your team will write a press release to inform your community about your team's amazing work! Your team can also earn extra points with several optional activities, such as creating video PSAs, involving elected leaders in activities, organizing community service projects, or posting a research blog.

Check out these resources
In addition, several resources have been provided to help your team succeed! Visit the toolkit center to find both toolkits and templates that give step-by-step instructions on completing each required and optional activity. To get all the basics, download the Overview Toolkit.

Debatepedia has also launched a custom portal and debate page just for the Spring Global Debates. The in-depth portal contains an extensive list of resources to help debaters prepare for their debates and write their climate change adaptation plan. The comprehensive debate page, provides complete arguments both for and and against the resolution, giving you more options when deciding how to structure your debates.

Visit the TPS page on YouTube to view debate videos and public service announcements that have been submitted in the past. And for all the latest updates, be sure to visit The People Speak website, Facebook page and Twitter page.

Compete for prizes!
Submit your activities points by May 15, 2010, and be entered for great prizes! The grand prize for the 2009-2010 Global Debates is a trip to the 2010 IDEA Youth Forum in the Netherlands for the top two U.S. teams and the top two international teams. The six runner-up teams receive UN Foundation grants of $2,000 each.

Congratulations to the team from Munster High School of Munster, Indiana who has won six iPod Shuffles for their two coaches and four students. Since Munster HS was a first-time participant in The People Speak Global Debates, they were entered to win a special prize!

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