Friday, April 16, 2010

Training held for youth in Budapest to spur interest in debate

On April 12-13, IDEA-Netherlands held a debate training in Budapest, Hungary for students, youth workers and NGOs. The event was organized in cooperation with the Foundation for Democratic Youth (DIA), who along with local partners feel the necessity to reinstate formal debate into Hungarian society, especially in regions with limited opportunities. At the training, participants had the opportunity to debate for the first time by discussing issues such as banning private universities in Hungary and banning extreme right parties in Europe.

The trainers offered sessions on basic public speaking skills, argumentation, manner, style, and debate format. The trainers included Andrej Schulcz (Slovakia), Anna England-Kerr (Slovenia), Assen Kochev (Germany), Manos Moshopoulos (Greece), Milan Vignevic (Serbia) and Veronika Vlckova (IDEA-NL). As a special bonus, Vlastimil Waic (Czech Republic) gave an informative session on the Roma Debate League- an educational debate project focused on Roma minority within the Czech Republic. In 2009, the league was nominated and one of its alumni won at the Gypsy Awards.

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